Our Measures

We are committed to reducing the environmental impacts of our operations by becoming Carbon Neutral by 2030 and Carbon Net Zero by 2045.

Flotilla Carbon Accounting Report

Improve Sumo’s understanding of its Carbon Footprint and identify actions to achieve Carbon Neutral before 2030.

Energy Efficiency

Improve the energy efficiency of Sumo’s Facilities through completion of efficiency audits and installation of solar panels in Sheffield.

Supply Chain

We will engage with suppliers to reduce their impact on Sumo’s carbon footprint via ESG questionnaire.

Our Community Impact

We aim to inspire young people to consider careers in the entertainment industries through our outreach and engagement programmes

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Ahead Partnership

Continuing to develop meaningful programmes and initiatives that make an impact where we live, work and our skills base can be of use.

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Sumo Academy

Investing in our transformative initiatives for under-represented minorities & young people to consider careers in the entertainment industries.

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Our Chosen Charity Partners

We've officially announced GamesAid, Solving Kids’ Cancer UK and SpecialEffect as our chosen charity partners again for 2023.